Quick, cheap and profitable
Cheap food and drinks, quick meal preparation and delivery. Effectively manage your business and our system will turn the quick and cheap service into a profitable business. Mer Soft fast food management system will help you improve your business, reveal current issues and find better solutions. You can manage both the work of food booth in the street, fast food café and food truck – our system is adapted to all these types of operations. With Mer Soft fast food management software you can monitor all the activities vital for your business growth.

Different requirements – different approaches
For instance, food booth in the street and food truck mainly receive ready meals. But they have very different approaches, so required different solutions to the faced challenges.Therefore, for external food point it is important to record sales, active sales hours and customers’ favorite meals. One more example, fast food restaurant has a kitchen for preparing semi-finished products and cafe tables for customers. In this case system dialogue box is different. Here you can view "Ingredients" section - when you prepare a meal ingredients and their relevant portions are already entered into the system. You know exactly how many products you used for each meal. Our system will allow you to view food surpluses and deficits. No matter what business you are in, Mer Soft system will enable you keep your fingers on the pulse.

Make prepayment - use the system
Mer Soft food service management is very flexible and offers all types of payments. For instance, customer should approach a cash counter, pay, take the receipt and provide it to the person who prepares meals. It is very easy for our system to effectively manage this process.
Our system also organizes the overall delivery process. Do you want to monitor the whole process? When the order is registered by phone, it is immediately entered into the system and the receipt is printed. Delivery guy will just come and take the order. You monitor online and view the number of orders and their locations.

All necessary information is at your fingerprints
Our Fast Food Management System warns you if the necessary products are missing. For example, if French fries are missing, the system will automatically warn you and you can order the necessary amount pf products from the kitchen. You save time and the work continues. All information is saved in the system for further analysis. If you want to count the cost price for a specific meal or a specific day. Our system will do that for you.