Pharmacy management system
The software system allows to manage and monitor a wide range of pharmacy related processes, to receive reports on circulation of your means and products. As a result of utilizing the software system you will have a full control over your pharmacy residue. Chances of product loss will be eliminated and a complete sales analysis will be instantly available anytime.
Utilising the software product you will have:
- a full control over your pharmacy's business processes,
- no product loss,
- complete sales analysis reports instantly available anytime,
- automatic printing of sales tax checks,
- (► Pharmacy PDF description )

Optimising sales processes
The opportunity to serve more than one customer in parallel and the option of using bar code scanners allow to significantly fasten customer service process.
The system allows to:
- print receipts, product list,
- form invoices for insurance companies and organise necessary product search and sale
- identify active components of drugs offering substitutions.
New employees will easily undertake the software user’s role and your pharmacy will prove to be trustworthy for the customers.

Products, wholesale/retail sales
- Product purchase
- Purchase order
- Order from supplier
- Return of goods to supplier
- Managing financial flows with supplier
- Sale and bonus systems
- Suppliers' price comparison
- Inventory check and management
- Retail sales
- Sales by invoice and prescription (insurance)
- Customer orders
- Managing returned product return from buyers
- Financial relations with buyers, insurance organisations

Bank accounts and cash desk
- Managing bank accounts
- Operating separated cash desks
- Monitoring financial flows, leftovers and other processes (cash desk, bank)
- Money movement

Available tools
- Product circulation
- Management of individual pharmacies
- Flexible pricing policy
- Centralized management and supervision
- Identifying and storing defected products per pharmacy
- Tracking expiration dates of products
- Automated supervision of product quantity based on previously collected statistical analysis
- Opportunity to serve more than one customer in parallel
- Product re-pricing
- Inventory check, product movement history tracking
- Sales statistics and reports generation
- Parallel sales from different sales-points
- – information on constantly updated price lists and products of pharmaceutical market in Armenia

Marketing tools
The system comprises sale and bonus tools to treat your customers individually, as well as flexible pricing and sale systems.
It will allow you to classify your customers by loyalty indicators.
You will be able to develop a unique customer service policy which can serve as a motivating factor for your employees.

Document flow management
Our system embeds Fast Report generator to automatically create various types of documents.
- Cash desk processing and orders
- Invoices (purchase and sales)
- Payment accounts
- Product in and out orders
- Documentation on loads, re-pricing acts
- Documents intended for internal management purpose (acceptance of goods, cash desk money receipts upon shift change )
- Receipt on tax accounts for buyers
- Custom design of other necessary document types

Additional advantages
- Secure database,
- Defining User Roles, allowing or restricting access to certain data or windows,
- Multilanguage interface possibility
- Integration of tax check printing software, automatic printed checks
- Using bar code scanners
- Planning and tracking of expenses
- Unlimited search and filtration possibility
- Identifying and storing defected products
- Networking opportunity within one centralised database
- Employee management
- Staff attendance monitoring
- Integration with CRM system
- Managing relations with doctors