Make Your Customers Happy
Mer Soft property management software will allow you to keep all types of requests in your system. Our system has all the answers.
Even if the customer does not like the available options, that’s not a problem. All customers’ preferences and requests will be stored in the system. When the relevant property appears in the system, he/she will be notified right away.

Our System Knows Your Customer
When you had a successful deal with the customer and you gather customer satisfaction information by sending an email or sms to the customer and ask him if he is happy with the deal, he/she will be flattered. You will have one more loyal customer. If the customer bought the property for renting, our system will help him/her. Whenever information appears in the system about a customer who is looking for a rent, the system will automatically send notification to him/her.

Make Processes Transparent
Mer Soft solution will keep the activities of sales agents. You can monitor the number of sales, interested customers, the best sold apartment, customer complaints and much more. Work process is transparent. Both customer and management team and the sales agent can monitor all operations and analyze data.