Work time tracker
Check the time period your staff spends on actual work tools, The tracks:
- start of the work day, when computer is switched on
- start of the direct work process;
- absence period during the day from the computer
- end of the work day ;
- summary of time dedicated to work per day/week/month

Control of violations of time management at work place
Analysis of job schedule and timing, prevent staff from low-performance and keep the following under control:
- being late,
- too frequent absenties from workplace;
- non productive work time
- Leaving work early
- overtime work

Monitor the used programs, web-pages and their productivity on individual computers
It is impossible to supervise everyone, especially if the staff works in front of computers. You will be able to monitor staff work with computers by tracking the amount of time employees use the Internet and the productivity level of their usage. You will receive the full picture of their work day such as:
- list of used programs and web-pages
- amount of active time using the list of resources
- productivity of programs and web-pages considering the job description of the staff member
- resource categories that are used more frequently (office software, messangers, games, etc.)

Asesssment of staff workload
Are your employees often late with completing their tasks? Do they miss important deadlines? You can now check why that happens so frequently and what are the obstacles for your individual employees in performing their tasks on time? Is it the overload or unnecessary time waisting surf on the internet.The system will show:
- summary of work-time,
- effective time spend on assigned tasks,
- time spend on social networking, games and watching videos,
- absence from workplace, breaks, often tea times, etc.
- the employees that underperform the most;
- the employees who work less than the assigned time for their job position

Control of office and distant staff members, freelancers
Your organisation has branches and distant representations in other cities and countries? Time-tracker software can cover all the distances. No matter where your staff members are, you will be able to control their worktime. You will receive the following detailed information on:
- following the work-time schedule
- violations at work-place
- factual work time
- non-productive time periods
- work days, leaves
- rating of employees per unit or company
- dynamics of an employee, of a unit, of a branch
Operative reports online, by email, to mobile device
Our system covers around 20 report types that allow to organise a systematic analysis of employee work and monitor the work day of each and every employee:
- how many hours does each employee spend at work?
- what programs and web-site does he use?
- what does your employees do at the moment?
- automatic time sheet: work time, holidays, leaves and unpaid leavs,
- rating of staff: from the best to the worst
- being late, leaving early, the overall time violation and its periodicity
- active page screenshots and web-camera photos.