Customer Relationship Management (CRM) automatic system gives your organization or enterprise an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage outperforming your competitors.
CRM system allows to:
- collect and analyze information about customers during the full customer life-cycle,
- develop complete and individual approach towards each cutomer,
- store organizational memory,
- improve customer service,
- improve sales performance,
- retain customer loyalty ...(► CRM PDF description)
- Calculating costs of marketing campaigns,
- Evaluating the effectiveness,
- Calculating Return of investment (ROI),
- Automatic preparation of named and addressed envelopes, business letters, invitation letters and cards for one-click printing, sending automatic text messages SMS,
- Sending e-mail messages automatically,
- Managing and analyzing information on competitors,
- Segmenting buyers and potential clients,
- Selecting buyers and forming automatic lists/tables,
- Planning marketing campaigns,
- Calendar for planning Events and Holidays
Sales management
- B2B and B2C sales, sales management,
- Sales through partner companies,
- Sales of mediator's services,
- Deal management per stage,
- Sales funnel, evaluating expected income,
- Control over sales agents, evaluating agents' performance quantitatively, qualitatively and cumulatively,
- Defining schedule and arrangements,
- Commercial proposals/Price quotes management,
- Opportunity to use Cross-sales and Up-sales techniques,
- Price list management (► CRM PDF description)

Support service
- Management of applications for support service,
- Call center management, call registration and analysis,
- Support agreements and warranties,
- Customer complaints management,
- Registering customer wishes and suggestions,
- Registration and analysis of customer opinions,
- Knowledge base, collecting corporate experience and registering frequently met problems, Help desk,
- Service Desk Management,
- Registration and management of customer complaints
- Task management, optimizing distribution of organizational resources,
- Business Process Management Automation (► CRM PDF description)

Document flow management
- Registration of documents in any file format,
- Monitoring document flow through defined roles and access levels,
- Document transfer from one to another,
- Document templates and forms,
- Incoming and outgoing documentation, letters,
- Commercial offers,
- Agreements, invoices and bills,
- Act of acceptance-deliver, support services/warranty checks,
- Applications/Requisitions (► CRM PDF description)

Additional tools and opportunities
- File directory, any format/type file register,
- Opportunity to add dynamic fields as required,
- Opportunity to create dynamic filters,
- Opportunity to make individual regulations to any table,
- Dynamic searching opportunity,
- Defining User Roles, allowing or restricting access to certain data or windows,
- Notification and reminder system,
- Customer's position on the map,
- Customer characteristics and psychological portrait of contacts
- Famous people directory,
- Directory of companies (► CRM PDF description)

Integration with other systems
- Integration with Google Maps,
- Integration with social networks - Facebook,
- Integration with MailChimp system,
- Integration with Fast Report system,
- Integration with ArmSoft (AS),
- Integration with Mer Soft Trade,
- Integration with Mer Soft Human Resources,
- Integration with Mer Soft Hotel,
- Integration with Mer Soft Restaurant,
- Integration with Mer Soft Health Care, Stomatology
- Integration with Mer Soft Realty (► CRM PDF description)